Starting 21 May 07, all 2nd year students in all the secondary schools in the city of Yawata in Kyoto will have a DS. No, it's not for playing Mario Kart. The DS is introduced as an educational teaching tools for English.
A successful trial run with a group of 3rd year students was held over 5 months with the 'game' Chuugaku Eitango Target 1800 DS. Apparently, the vocabulary of the students increased by an average of 40% over the 5 months. Seeing the improvement, they decided to introduce it to all 2nd year secondary school students in the city.
Well, good luck finding a DS at the moment in Japan, as they are still sold out everywhere. So are they going to get a student discount on a video game console?
Come on, what do we have to do to get some Japanese trainers?
Source: Insertcredit, Mainichi
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