Week 9 July - 15 July 2007
Dragon Quest: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors made number one this week as it shipped 305,254 units in its first week. The Dragon Quest (aka Dragon Warriors in the US) brand name rivals that of Final Fantasy in Japan, and it's no surprise that it went straight to ichicban.
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass still swing that
For whatever reason, DS has turned into a PDA for keeping track of your expense. My Housekeeping Diary makes it into 3rd places with 46,947. Actually, it's not at all surprising. In Japanese household, the wife is the boss, and so everything to do with household expense are controlled the the female species. And given Nintendo openly targets the female population for its hardware, one would expect something like My Housekeeping Diary to appear sooner or later. Damn, should have thought of that idea first.
This week's top 10 has been dominated by Nintendo. Some it hasn't done for a while now, with 7 DS games and 3 Wii games.
Tom Clancy made it to the chart again for Xbox 360 at 26th. No doubt it will drop off by next week.
The touchy touchy witch game Doki Doki Majo Shinpan has dropped from 11th to 39th. I guess no every moe loving person is getting it.
Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week
Wii - Dragon Quest: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
DS - The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
PS2 - Super Robot Wars: Original Generations
Xbox 360 - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2
PSP - Ratchet & Clank: Going Mobile
PS3 - My Summer Vacation 3
Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:
DS - 35
Wii - 7
PS2 - 4
PSP - 2
PS3 - 1
XB360 - 1
Console War VII: Battle for Nippon
More of the same, except everyone selling more of everything. With the Xbox almost made it to 3,000. But PS3 is still lacking behind the PS2. When was the last time PS3 surpass the PS2 sales? Come back next week for more of the same.
DSL - 141,967
Wii - 109,854
PSP - 37,578
PS2 - 15,777
PS3 - 13,493
Xbox360 - 2,942
Market share this week
79.07% vs 20.93
Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
86.98% vs 10.68% vs 2.33%
Source: Media Create
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