Seriously, when was the last time a non-re-release Final Fantasy game not make it to the top at least once? This time, it's Final Fantasy Tactics A2. Get it while it's hot (142,191). It didn't sell as much as the last FF game released, Crisis Core (that sold almost half a million in the first week), and also less than the last FF game on DS, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (274,004 in the first week). Hmm, is the Japanese finally got tired of the FF
Onto other news, number 2 is taken by yet another new PS2 games, Ar Tonelico 2 (72,365). Developers are still producing PS2 games like PS3 never existed. 7 out of the 10 PS2 games on this week's chart are new. Well, at least Sony is still kind of making money from their out system. But I wonder if that would be the case when they stop the BC in the PS3, and stop making PS2 consoles altogether.
Number 3 is Konami's Winning Eleven DS (28,985). PS3's Imabikisou (22,663) is number 4. 7 out of the top 10 games are new. The only ones that stayed up are DS Bungaku Zenshuu, DS Kyotaro Nishimura Suspense New Detective Series: Kyoto, Atami, Zekkai no Kotou Satsui no Wana and Pokemon. Wii games have been noticeably absent for the past few weeks, but Ghost Squad has rectified the situation, coming in at 7th, while Xbox 360 has another entrant this week with Bladestorm at 33rd. Beautiful Katamari has been rolled off the island altogether, never to be seen on the chart again. Probably it was a bad idea to release the game on the XB.
Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week
DS - Final Fantasy Tactics A2
PS2 - Ar Tonelico 2
PS3 - Imabikisou
Wii - Ghost Squad
PSP - Gundam Battle Chronicle
XB360 - Bladestorm
Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:
DS - 22
PS2 - 10
Wii - 8
PSP - 5
PS3 - 4
360 - 1
Console War VII: Battle for Nippon
The hardware numbers have been more or less stable this week. Everything increased slightly, some more than others. Maybe people are preparing for the "holiday" season. Japan doesn't have Christmas holiday, but they still have the Christmas spirit (not the religious kind). We should see some big numbers in the weeks ahead.
DSL - 76,243
PSP - 59,792
Wii - 27,502
PS3 - 18,785
PS2 - 11,698
Xbox360 - 3,718
Market share this week
56.05% vs 43.95%
Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
55.00% vs 37.57% vs 7.44%
Source: Media Create
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