Week 20 August - 26 August 2007
With the PS2 being 'out-dated' by the next generation consoles some 9 months ago, you would have thought that should be the end of the line for the 6 years old console. Not so, according to the Japanese. This week, Sengoku Musou 2 (182,484), by the same maker of the popular Dynasty Warriors series, Koei, tops the sales chart. And yep, it's PlayStation 2 game. It's either the game developers themselves don't have faith in the PS3, or that all their next gen budget is in the Nintendo camp right now. Either way, one can't discount the fact that PS2 still sell around the same number of PS3 every week.
But who would have thought that the Square Enix can't put it off with its latest
Talking about remakes, 3rd places belong to a DS remake, Phoenix Wright 3 (56,787). It's the DS remake of the GBA version. That promote Phoenix Wright 2 back onto the top 50. Kind of expected that.
I don't know what's with the Japanese, but My Housekeeping Diary is back to 5th place with 23,678. Maybe there's a lot of housekeeping to do on the DS?
PSP managed a game in the top 10 with Dragoneer's Aria (23,617) at 6th. Despite having 4 new games in this week's top 10, it still can't push Wii Sports (18,223) out of the top 10.
Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week
PS2 - Sengoku Musou 2
DS - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates
Wii - Mario Party 8
PSP - Dragoneer's Aria
PS3 - Everybody's Golf 5
Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:
DS - 34
PS2 - 6
Wii - 6
PSP - 3
PS3 - 1
Console War VII: Battle for Nippon
Maybe it's a slow week in Japan or something, the DS fell to just 100K this week, and the Wii dropped to 46K. Most have dropped as well, but as usual, Nintendo is still winning. Don't think it will be any different next week, and the week after, and the week after, and the week after...
DSL - 100,430
Wii - 46,283
PSP - 26,089
PS3 - 16,393
PS2 - 15,139
Xbox360 - 2,044
Market share this week
79.38% vs 20.62%
Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
71.51% vs 25.33% vs 3.16%
Source: Media Create
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