Friday, November 24, 2006

Nintendo Wii is out, and so are the crowds.

Compared to the scene that PS3 caused just a few days ago, the Nintendo Wii launch is anything but. There are no guns, no fight, no riot and no robbery. I guess the low price of $250US helped with the "no robbery" bit. The mob probably went, "Nwh, it's only $250, not worth robbing."

Anyway, whatever the case, the Wii seemed to have had a smooth start to the launch, with ample supply all around the North American, anyone who wanted one is pretty much guaranteed to get one. And the games at launch, it seems like Zelda is making to the top of Wii chart without any problems. Funny Nintendo doesn't start with Mario, given its strong fanbase. But I'm sure Mario (in one form or another) will make many many appearance in the life of Wii.

As for the rest of the world, and that includes Japan, we'll just have to wait. Japanese launch is next week, and the European / Australiasia launch is the week after. It seems odd that the country of origin would have a wait a week before they get their hands on their console. Why? Is it some kind of ploy by Nintendo to see how it fare in NA first?

With Christmas approaching, Sony is so going to get hammered with PS3 shortage. Xbox360, hope you die in hell, and so the Wii wins.... Ah, a perfect world.

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