Not long after Phoenix Wright 4 (it's actually not Phoenix Wright anymore, but I just keep it for the name sake. The correct title is Gyakuten Saiban 4) was released into the Japanese wild, Capcom has announced Pheonix Wright: Trails and Tribulations for the DS.
Released date is in September, it will feature the spiky hair Phoenix, his assisstant Maya and his mentor (and Maya's sister) Mia.
Not sure if the DS-exclusive things like the fingerprint dust in the first Phoenix Wright will make a appearance. But the psyche-lock system from Phoenix Wright: Justices for All will make a come back. IMHO, the psyche-lock system doesn't really add much to the gameplay, but at least it's there.
Looking at the screenshots, it looks like to be the Phoenix Wright 3 remake on the DS.
I enjoyed the first 2 Phoenix Wright immersely, so I'm looking forward to September.
Source: GameSpot
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