Weeking ending 15 April 2007
It's not an unexpected news, Super Paper Mario has claimed the top honour this week for the Wii in Japan, shipping 144,192 units. Given the success of the Wii and the Mario name, it's only natural that we see a Mario game on the top spot. New Super Mario on the DS is still selling strong (this week at number 14), so it is very likely that the Super Paper Mario will follow the same trend.
Last week's ichiban, Gyakuten Saiban 4, has fallen to 6th, but it's still the best non-new release game of the week. In fact, the top 5 has all been taken by new release games. Second on the chart is the new Fate / Stay Night [Realta / Nua] game on the PS2 (134,887 units sold). I've never played nor watched Fate / Stay Night, but I can guess that it's popular in Japan.
Third place belongs to Persona 3 (90,369 sold), another PS2 game. No wonder the PS2 is still selling strong in Japan. For the second week running, the PS2 has outsold the PS3 (more later).
Fourth is DS's new game, Nodame Cantabile (50,785 units sold). What it is about? I have no idea.
The fifth and last of the top 5 new entries is PSP's, wait for it..... Final Fantasy. Yep, the original Final Fantasy has appeared on the PSP. I am actually kind of surprised that it isn't any higher. And it only managed 48,559 units.
Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week
Wii - Super Paper Mario
PS2 - Fate / Stay Night [Realta / Nua]
DS - Nodame Cantabile
PSP - Final Fantasy
Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:
DS - 34
PS2 - 8
PSP - 4
Wii - 4
Console War VII: Battle for Nippon
Nintendo is now firmly destroying Sony and Microsoft. Actually, the XBox was never really a force to be reckon with in Japan anyway, so we'll ignore that. For every1 PSP sold, almost 6 DS Lite did the same, and for every 1 PS3 sold, more than 7 Wii found a new home. And for good measures, Wii is outselling XBox 360 33.8 to 1.
For the second week running, the PS3 is being outsold by the PS2. It's probably due to the 2 new games on the top 5 chart, but still, if PS2 continues to have top selling games, it's good and bad news for Sony. Good because it sells more PS2, bad because the PS3 suffers from must have games.
DSL - 172,359
Wii - 77,913
PSP - 29,459
PS2 - 11,398
PS3 - 11,000
Xbox360 - 2,307
Source: Media Create