Weeking ending 18 February 2007
DS has reclaimed the ichiban spot after the PS2 sidelined it for the past 2 weeks. The game Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village (レイトン教授と不思議な町) not so mysteriously takes the top honours. Professor sold 136,736, while the next best game (PSP's Tales of Destiny 2) was 63,700+ units behind, at 73,022. Looks like Level-5 is having another top-selling on their hands.
Not a bad week for new games, actually. All top 5 games are all new games. Number three and four are occupied by anime-related series, with Bleach DS an Deathnote (both on the DS), while Soul Cradle on the PS2 takes out number five.
Last week's ichiban, Virtua Fighter 5, went straight down to 25. Looks like all the hardcore fans out there got what they want. The rest of us just don't care. Well, considering the price of the game and the console that it's on, you can probably master the game just on the arcade, and save some money too.
The rest of the top 10 all belongs to Nintenodo's usual suspect. Dragon Quest Monsters Joker back from the dead, from 23rd to 7th.
Hardware side of things. It's consistent with last week, and the week before, and the week before that. *yawn* DS Lite still outselling PSP by more than 100,000 units (136,846 vs 34,505). Wii (63,618) sold 43,000 more units than the PS3 (20,676), and more than 12 times the Xbox 360 (5,210).
Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week:
DS - Professor Layton and the Mysterious Village
PSP - Tales of Destiny 2
PS2 - Soul Cradle
Wii - Wii Sports
PS3 - Virtua Fighter 5
Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:
DS - 33
PS2 - 7
Wii - 6
PSP - 3
PS3 - 1
Oh look, the number of titles in the top 50 haven't changed from last week.
Source: Media Create
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