Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sales Chart JPN: MArio holding on

Week 17 December - 23 December 2007

For the second week, Mario Party DS held on to the top spot leading up to Christmas (not that the majority of anyone care about the religious significant of the event in Japan). Another 329,826 was sold this week.

It's rare to see a Final Fantasy game not getting to number 1 on its first week. And now we have seen it. Only 287,697 FFIV on the DS were sold, coming second this week.

The other new games on the top 10 were Naruto: Shippuuden N-Ultimate Accelerator 2 (PS2; 108,717) and Doraemon Baseball: Dramatic Stadium (DS; 84,639). Why does Doraemon have a baseball game, I have no idea.

It has been a long time, but the number of games on the top 50 for the DS has risen back to above 30.

Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week

DS - Mario Party DS
DS - Final Fantasy IV
Wii - Wii Fit
Wii - Super Mario Galaxy
PS2 - Naruto: Shippuuden N-Ultimate Accelerator 2

Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:

DS - 32
Wii - 9
PS2 - 4
PS3 - 3
PSP - 2

Console War VII: Battle for Nippon

Still the holiday season over in Japan. DS sold more, Wii sold more, more PS3, less PSP, less PS2 and less Xbox 360.

DSL - 279,551
Wii - 232,907
PSP - 171,804
PS3 - 58,167
PS2 - 20,391
Xbox360 - 7,908

Market share this week

61.94% vs 38.06%

Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
77.9% vs 19.46% vs 2.65%

Source: Media Create

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sales Chart JPN: Mario fighting back

Week 10 December - 16 December 2007

Same guy, same game. After two weeks absent, you might have forgotten about Mario, but no, he's back. Mario Party DS jumped back to grab the 1st spot this week, selling 180,042. Must be the holiday season. Wii Fit is just behind, on 124,238.

If you were to pay for an uncompleted game, you would probably complain, but not so if that game is Grand Turismo 5 Prologue. Seriously, it's just another way for Sony to make money, right? If you can't wait for the real game, you'll have to settle of this. 115,748 people did. Prof. Layton is still doing well in 5th (74,378).

It must be the holiday season, some of the older games creped back up onto top 10, with only 2 new game (GT5 Prologue and Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon: the Labyrinth of Forgotten Time (Wii, 40,580). Wii Play and Wii Sport both jumped back up.

Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week

DS - Mario Party DS
Wii - Wii Fit
PS3 - Grand Turismo 5 Prologue
DS - Prof. Layton and the Pandora's Box
Wii - Mario Galaxy

Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:

DS - 28
Wii - 10
PS2 - 4
PSP - 3
PS3 - 3
360 - 2

Console War VII: Battle for Nippon

Holiday season is certainly coming. DS sold almost a quarter of a million, while the Wii more than doubled that of PS3. One good news is that the PS3 sold a significant amount more than the PS2, while the Xbox 360 still struggles, selling only roughly the same amount as last week.

DSL - 222,132
PSP - 184,610
Wii - 170,558
PS3 - 63,720
PS2 - 18,025
Xbox360 - 8,561

Market share this week

54.61% vs 45.39%

Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
70.24% vs 26.24% vs 3.53%

Source: Media Create

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Review: Zoo Hospital

New game review at Mobile Tech Review. It's my second review for the site. And this time, it's Zoo Hospital. A simple, but repetitive game. In fact, it's boring after a while. Read my review after the jump.

Review: Zoo Hospital

Sales Chart US: Modern Warfare kills on the field.

November Sales Figure

Three months on, Master Chief is still in the top 10. But guns still rule the top of the chart. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came in at number 1, killing the rest of the field. Super Mario Galaxy came second, while Assassin's Creed is the highest ranking new IP in 3rd. No chart should be completed without at least one Guitar game.

Overall, US spent $2.63 billion in November and with Christmas shopping as well, that figure is still to soar, now that's a lot of money.

1. Call of Duty 4 (Xbox 360, Activision) - 1.57 million
2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii, Nintendo) - 1.12 million
3. Assassin's Creed (Xbox 360, Ubisoft) - 980k
4. Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock w/guitar (PlayStation 2, Neversoft/Budcat/Activision) 967k
5. Wii Play w/remote (Wii, Nintendo) - 564k
6. Mass Effect (Xbox 360, Microsoft) - 473k
7. Call of Duty 4 (PS3, Activision) - 444k
8. Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock w/guitar (Wii, Neversoft/Vicarious Visions/Activision) - 426k
9. Halo 3 (Xbox 360, Microsoft) - 387k
10. Assassin's Creed (PS3, Ubisoft) - 377k

Console War VII: Battle for America

Everything is on the ups, with DS taking charge in November, selling over 1.5 million units. Something that still struck me as odd is PS2 still doing better than PS3. Why oh why? Oh wait, I know. That's because PS3 doesn't have any 'must have' exclusive games. Games like COD4, Assassin's Creed are all multiplatform. So why bother getting a PS3 when you can play the same thing on the cheaper Xbox 360?

Nintendo DS - 1.53 million
Wii - 981,000
Xbox 360 - 770,000
PSP - 567,000
PlayStation 2 - 496,000
PlayStation 3 - 466,000

Market share for the month

72.96% vs 27.04%

Wii vs XB vs PS3
44.25% vs 34.73% vs 21.02%

Source: Gamasutra

Sales Chart JPN: Wii is still Fit to rule

Week 03 December - 09 December 2007

It comes as no surprise that Wii Fit will continue its strong performance (149,587). It has toppled Prof. Layton and the Pandora's Box to take first place. As a matter of fact, the professor dropped to 5th this week (75,609). Mario Party DS jumped back to second (106,995).

There are four new games on the top ten, with Tales of Innocence leading the way (104,317). Xbox 360 has yet another game on the top ten, courtesy of Lost Odyssey (54,581). Is the Xbox 360 finally making in-roads in Japan? Highly doubt that.

Top 5 games:

Wii - Wii Fit
DS - Mario Party DS
DS - Tales of Innocence
PSP - Hot Shots Golf Portable 2
DS - Prof. Layton and the Pandora's Box

Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:

DS - 26
Wii - 9
PS2 - 5
PSP - 5
PS3 - 3
360 - 2

Console War VII: Battle for Nippon

Wii Fit still rules, and it looks like that is exactly what the Japanese want. That's exactly what Nintendo needs. In the time when PS3 looks like it's finally taking over the world the lead, Nintendo bounded back with yet another innovative way to 'play'.

Leading up to Christmas time, the Japanese is probably going to spend as much as the rest of the world, even though it doesn't celebrate Christmas the religious way.

DSL - 168,255
Wii - 115,057
PSP - 91,481
PS3 - 38,123
PS2 - 11,987
Xbox360 - 8,876

Market share this week

64.78% vs 35.22%

Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
71.00% vs 23.52% vs 5.48%

Source: Media Create

Friday, December 7, 2007

Sales Chart JPN: Layton claim top spot while Wii is Fit to rule.

Week 26 November - 02 December 2007

As I have expected, Prof. Layton and the Pandora's Box topped the chart this week (293,897), but not by much. Wii Fit found some footing to come second (261,226). As a matter of fact, the top three games (SD Gundam G Generation Spirits on PS2 coming home in 3rd; 252,380) all sold more than 200,000 copies each. The top 5 games made up more than 1 million copies of software sold this week. Dragon Quest IV is still doing quite well in 4th, while Xbox 360 has yet another game in the top 10 with Assassin's Creed killing at 8th place.

PS2 still rules for now, with SD Gundam G Generation Spirits, Sengoku Basara 2: Heroes and World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 scoring in the top 10.

Top 5 games:

DS - Prof. Layton and the Pandora's Box
Wii - Wii Fit
PS2 - SD Gundam G Generation Spirits
DS - Dragon Quest IV
PS2 - Sengoku Basara 2: Heroes

Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:

DS - 29
Wii - 11
PS2 - 5
PSP - 2
PS3 - 2
360 - 1

Console War VII: Battle for Nippon

With the help of Wii Fit, the Wii is fit to rule the world once again. This week taking second behind the forever leading DS. Is Wii Fit going to last as much and as long as Wii Sports (which is still in the top 20)? Is the Wii going to take over Japan again?

Despite having 3 games in the top 10, the PS2 is not selling as much nowadays. Is PS3 finally gaining momentum?

Why am I asking so many question?

DSL - 124,591
Wii - 74,764
PSP - 74,626
PS3 - 37,092
PS2 - 13,703
Xbox360 - 6,632

Market share this week

62.54% vs 37.46%

Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
63.10% vs 31.30% vs 5.60%

Source: Media Create