Friday, August 31, 2007

Hurry, Sony warehouse is out of 60GB model.

Sony said it. GamePro reported that Sony has run out of 60GB PS3 in their warehouses. The only ones left are those on the shelves at retail stores. If you want a PS3 for just US$499, you better hurry before they run out.

Sony still hasn't decided what to do after the 60GB runs out. Are they going to reduce the price of the 80GB model? Maybe, given that MS has slashed the price for the XBox 360 by US$50. Well, we will just have to wait. Maybe, just maybe you can find one under the Christmas tree this year with a US$499 price tag.

Source: GamePro

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sales Chart US: Football's not quite football, but it sells.

July Sales Figure

Another month, another sets of US figures from NPD. Software first. Top selling this month is Football... American football, that is. And only in America would you be able to sell NCAA Football 08 to the mass. Almost 400K is sold in July. Guitar Hero Encore on the PS2 takes 2nd place. And yes, it is a PS2 game. PS3 still haven't caught on yet, eight months into its release. It is surely a grim sign of the big black brick.

Wii Play made it back on the Wii chart, coming in 3rd place, despite the game being released so many moons ago. Is it just that there is no good game on the Wii, or just that people really need that second controller? Who knows, but it was certainly a smart idea on Nintendo's behalf.

Top 10 games in US for June

1. NCAA Football 08 Xbox 360 (EA) - 397k
2. Guitar Hero Encore PS2 (Activision) - 339k
3. Wii Play - Wii (Nintendo) - 278k
4. NCAA Football 08 PS2 (EA) - 236k
5. Mario Party 8 - Wii (Nintendo) - 177k
6. NCAA Football 08 PS3 (EA) - 156k
7. Pokemon Diamond - DS (Nintendo) - 144k
8. Transformers: The Game PS2 (Activision) - 143k
9. Guitar Hero II - PS2 (Activision) - 138k
10. Guitar Hero II - Xbox 360 (Activision) - 108k

Console War VII: Battle for America

The Wii continues to take charge at the front. Many reports in Europe is indicating that Nintendo is winning Console War VII. And VGCharts has already reported that Wii has overtaken the lead. Believe it for what you will. VGCharts is not very accurate.

Back to NPD, hardware sales rose to US$381 million. Nintendo's Wii and DS have outsold all other systems combined. Good sign for Nintendo, no doubt. Despite the price drop and Microsoft's fiasco with PR. The XBox 360 still outsold the PS3. But the funny thing is, PS2 outsold both new gen consoles.

DS - 405,000
PSP - 214,000

Wii - 425,000
Xbox 360 - 170,000
PS3 - 159,000

Market share for the month

65.43% vs 34.57%

Wii vs XB vs PS3
64.98% vs 25.99% vs 9.03%

Source: Gamasutra

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cool your Xbox 360 with a pan of water... or not.

A 14 year old dumb ass boy in where else but the good ol' USA tried to cool his Xbox 360 by putting the power supply wrapped in plastic and tape into a pan of water. The result? Getting literally Bioshock-ed.

It seems like the little adventure was prompted by the Xbox turning itself off every 5 minutes. So the kid must have thought it was the thing is overheating and after doing some "research" on the net, he found that he could stop it from cutting off by cooling the power supply.

And what's a better way to cool the power supply than dumping it in a pool of water? After all, all these bloody big mainframes are all in a big pond of water in every movie.

For crying out loud, he 14 years old, not 4. What kind of moron are you? You ought to know electricity and water don't mix. Did you even pay attention in class? Actually, does the US of A education system teach home safety?

Source: Fun Tech Talk

Monday, August 20, 2007

Drink up with the DS

So when you thought there can't possibly been another more weird game titles coming out on the DS, we are treated to this, Bartender DS. Yep, that's right, now you can be a bartender-in-training with this game.

There are over 850 cocktail recipe. Your next drinking game would have so much more fun, I bet. Is there anything DS can't do? Next DS title: How to save the world with only your DS.

Source: Famitsu

Friday, August 17, 2007

Only 0.2% PS3 dies

Some good news for Sony. In light of Microsoft's infamous "1-in-3 Xbox 360 dies" saga and its subsequent announcement of the $1.X billion extended warranty, Sony is proud to (sort of) announce that their PS3 failure rate is "around 0.2%", at least according to Chris Deering, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe founder. That's 2 in 1,000 PS3 dies. It ought to be, really. With a price tag like that, a lot of us would expect the thing to last, like, forever.

So Ken Kutaragi is not that crazy afterall. At least he makes one hell of a machine that lasts forever.

So would you like to buy a cheaper system that will probably die constantly and had to go to the repair shop more than the number of time you got drunk, or pay a lot of money for something that will probably last till your grandkids learn how to drive?

Of course, there is also another option of buying the cheapest console that would probably last longer than your TV.

Source: SPOnG

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sales Chart JPN: It's back to kicking the football again.

Week 30 July - 5 August 2007

So Beckham is not the only person in the football world to be making news at his new home in the US. J-League is also making headlines, albeit only on the sales chart. 149,584 kicked some goals this week.

Mario Party 8 is still doing the round at 134,786, and Everybody's Golf 5 is still on everybody's shopping list, coming in 3rd with 64,093. It's holding on, maybe it's because all these perverts old men in Japan can now look at panties all day long. It's still a wonderful world out there for Square Enix's latest game, though just by checking out their website, I'm certainly not going to buy this game.

There were 7 new games in the top 10 last week, this week is back to normal. New Super Mario Bros is back, and so is Wii Sports.

Xbox 360's The Elder Scroll IV is still doing the run at 32st.

Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week

PS2 - J-League Winning Eleven 2007 Club Championship
Wii - Mario Party 8
PS3 - Everybody's Golf 5
DS - The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
PSP - GTA: Liberty City Stories
XBox - The Elder Scroll IV

Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:

DS - 33
Wii - 7
PS2 - 5
PSP - 3
PS3 - 1
360 - 1

Console War VII: Battle for Nippon

PS3 is finally doing somewhat decent numbers, doubling the PS2 like it should. Not even a top Winning Eleven game can push PS2 pass the PS3. While PSP is still far behind, the Wii has dropped for the 3rd week running. Is it like what Kotaku claimed, the Wiidding wedding is over?

Well, the Wii has gone back down to May's level. Hmm, there will be interesting months ahead.

DSL - 135,729
Wii - 61,498
PSP - 33,886
PS3 - 24,289
PS2 - 12,784
Xbox360 - 2,691

Market share this week

80.02% vs 19.98%

Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
69.51% vs 27.45% vs 3.04%

Source: Media Create

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sales Chart JPN: Mario is in. What else do you expect?

Week 23 July - 29 July 2007

What do you expect? It's Mario we are talking about. The world can never have too much of that plumber. The Americans love him, and so does the Japanese. Last week, Mario Party 8 sold an amazing 264,953 units.

Normally, selling 152,379 could make you the week's number 1, but no, Sony has to release Everybody's Golf 5 on the same week as Mario. So yet again, the number 1 eluded the PS3. Don't know when the next PS3 game will make it to the top 3.

Out of the top 10, the top 7 are all new games. Every platform has been represented in the top 7. Wii took charge with Mario, while PS3 got their hot golf chick to do their dirty work. Drumming Taiko (93,909) on DS seems sounds fun, the PSP has GTA (44,939) to thank for and even Xbox 360 has The Elder Scroll IV (40,168) in number 7.

What a week for the new comers. Of course, that means everything else is pushed out of the way. But look, Wii Sports and Zelda still refused to get out of the top 10. It's still staying around in 10th.

Wait, did I see a new GameCube game making the chart? Gotcha Force made it to 50th for a GameCube. Very strange happening this week. Must be the new comers syndrome.

Best selling games for each platform (that is on the chart) this week

Wii - Mario Party 8
PS3 - Everybody's Golf 5
DS - Taiko Drums
PSP - GTA: Liberty City Stories
XBox - The Elder Scroll IV
PS2 - Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 14
NGC - Gotcha Force

Number of titles in the top 50 for each platform this week:

DS - 30
Wii - 7
PS2 - 6
PSP - 3
PS3 - 2
360 - 1
NGC - 1

Console War VII: Battle for Nippon

So, with so many new games on the top 10, what's happening with the hardware this week? Well, DS and Wii still lead, but demand for the Wii has dropped for the two weeks running. Is Japan finally realised the Wii is not all they want afterall? Or is it just because of the golf chick? Who knows. But golf chick is certainly working with PS3.

Wii's dominance has dropped from 85% down to only just above 70% this week.

Bundled with the PS3, the number of the black brick more than doubled from last week. Xbox 360 is also up, all thanks to The Elder Scroll. But it will probably go back down soon.

DSL - 154,459
Wii - 86,786
PSP - 32,894
PS2 - 14,059
PS3 - 12,187
Xbox360 - 2,664

Market share this week

81.10% vs 18.90%

Wii vs PS3 vs XBox 360
70.24% vs 26.24% vs 3.52%

Source: Media Create and their new shiny website

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Sony gets sued... again.

Yep, it's one of those days when you were happy going about your own business of trying to sell the black brick when all of a sudden, a company you probably never heard of filed a lawsuit against you.

This time, the company is Parallel Processing Corporation of Newport Beach, California. It alleged that Sony's PS3 has infringed upon its patent for "synchronized parallel processing with shared memory" that was approved on October 8, 1991.

Normally, I would have laughed at companies that get sued by another company because of patent infringement, but this time, I actually felt very angry towards PPC.

I mean, we've known about Cell chips for years before it was ever put into the PS3. Surely, if PPC knew about it, they could have ask for the royalties and whatnots then, and not wait until 5 million PS3 are in the wild, then pounce on Sony.

I am not a Sony fanboy, but this time, I'm standing behind Sony. I really hope PPC get nothing out of this. Can't people play nice any more these days?

Source: Kotaku