If you ever had the 'pleasure' to travel halfway around the globe in a pressurised tube, chances are, you will be glued to your seat for a good 10-15 hours, maybe even longer. You can do read the newspaper, or annoy the hell out of your neighbour who is trying to read the newspaper. So what to do with the rest of the plane trip when your neighbour finally had enough and told you to shut up? Handheld portable is your saviour. Either that or the in-flight entertainment. Here are the top 10 games that you can play on a long plane journey halfway across the globe. Some you can even finish before you set foot on your destination.
No 10. Trace MemoryA short but sweet game about a girl finding her father and a ghost finding his memory on a remote island. Its lack in length is made up by its interesting puzzles. Most you will solve in no-time, and some will require a bit of thinking and backtracking. Just pray that your plane do not need to make an emergency landing on the island.
No 9. Castlevania: Dawn of SorrowThe game is short, but definitely not hollow. The vampires are back, and it is your job as Soma Crus to once again get rid of them. Gameplay is easy to learn, graphics are pretty, albeit in 2D. If you finish the game before the plane lands, you can play again as Julius on hard mode.
No 8. Hotel Dusk: Room 215Some people read a novel to pass time on the plane, but why read when you can play? Hotel Dusk: Room 215 plays like a visual novel. You make a few choices and go to a few places, all in the confinement of a hotel. The game is heavy on dialogue, just like any good mystery novel. This might just be the hotel you are going to stay in when you arrive.
No 7. Animal Crossing: Wild WorldA game without a real start or an end (or even a real purpose, as for that matter), you can be rest assured that your neighbour in this game will not tell you to shut up like your real life fellow traveller would. You can talk to them for as long as you want, and they will not get annoyed, at all. But when you arrive at your destination, make sure you have the right time zone, because Animal Crossing is a real-time interactive game.
No 6. New Super Mario Bros.Mario is back, and he is bigger! Yes, Peach is kidnapped again *sigh*. What can you do? Go forth and rescue her, Mario. In NSMB, you can literally grow big and stomp over anything and everything in your path. What's a better way to cause destruction? Of course, Bowser's minnows will try to stop you. Plenty of replay value with secret worlds and alternative paths. It will keep you occupied until the plane lands.
No 5. Super Princess PeachMove over Mario, I am the princess, and this time, I am doing the rescuing. If you finish NSMB before your plane touches the tarmac, play this one. It is very similar to NSMB, except you get a life bar, carry a super umbrella, and you are Peach. Mario is locked away on Vibe Island and it is your task to recuse him. If my plane had to make an emergency stop on a remote island, this is it.
No 4. Osu Tatakae Ouendan!Best played using earphones, you will tap, slide and drawing circles to victory in this musical rhythm game. It's better than listening to the iPod, if you don't mind the small selection of songs. Best not to draw circles too violently unless you intend on taking revenge on your fellow traveller for telling you to shut up.
No 3. Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! OuendanMore of the same as the first game, but with new songs. Again, nothing really changed in this game. Same as the first one, you can get tremendous amount of replay value out of this one, as the beats get harder and faster. On second thought, you probably want to bring your iPod just in case.
No 2. Phoenix Wright: Ace AttorneyIf you are ever charged with murder, you better hope Phoenix Wright is your lawyer. His choice of hairstyle is the butt of many jokes, but he get his job done, winning his client's freedom against all odds. This game is text driven but the dialogue is hilarious and the gameplay is as simple as making a few choices. Just don't shout out 'Objection' in the middle of a flight. Fellow travellers might think that you are crazy.
No 1. Professor Layton and the Curious VillageBy far the best puzzle game on the DS to date, this game is refreshing, engaging and entertaining. There are over 120 puzzles to solve, and the story is nothing short of brilliant. Graphics might be 2D, but they are beautifully drawn. Game time depends greatly on your IQ. The lower your IQ, the longer it takes. Note, English version coming out early 2008, unless either you or the person sitting next to you knows fluent Japanese.
Make sure you fully charge your battery before you leave for the airport. And bring your charger and adaptor too, so you can charge it before you hop on the return flight. As a health warning, don't eat anything that would make you fart unless you want to stink the whole plane.